024 - Making Time To Learn To Code

18 Jul, 2017

Learning to code while working full time is a huge undertaking. Here are some strategies to help you get there.

The main 2 requirements are:

  1. Having clear goals about why you want to learn to code. It will help you make the tough choices when figuring out how to spend you time.
  2. Code every day! Even if it’s just a review of the previous day, look at code every day to ensure you don’t have to learn the same things over and over again (check out episode 10 and episode 12 if you want to hear about what happens when you don’t do this!).

With these things squared away, you can try the following strategies:

If you’re a parent, all is not lost! Here are a few of the articles I mentioned about other parents who have learned to code with young kids in tow:

In the end, you may find that you just don’t want to spend the little free time you have learning how to code, no matter how much you may want to know how to code. And that’s ok! This is where being clear on your goals will help you figure out how much pressure to put on yourself.

If these strategies have worked for you or you have other ideas to contribute, please share! You can leave a comment below or tweet me @startovercoder.