067 - Pre-Conference Prep

1 May, 2018

I’m heading to a coding conference in a few days! And unlike some past events I’ve been to, this time I’m doing a bit of preparatory thinking/planning to help me make the most out of attending. I’ve set 3 goals I’d like to accomplish during the two-day conference:

From all the people I meet, I will meet 3 people to exchange contact details with in stay in contact with after the event has finished. These may be people who I can learn from, or share my own experience with. But I want to leave with at least three new solid connections that I can build upon.

How will I do this?

I plan to get some practice speaking technically and bearing my expertise. I’m in the habit of minimizing my skills and knowledge, especially when it comes to talking about technical topics. This needs to stop!

How will I do this?

I’m going to document the talks and take notes about what I learn throughout the course of the two days. I want to be able to remember what I learned after the fact, so it can’t be in one ear and out the other. I’d like it to stick!

How will I do this?

How To Go To Conferences (Financially)

Since Financial Independence is a big goal in my life (not to mention a topic of this podcast), I also wanted to share some tips/ideas about how to attend conferences without attacking the wallet too much:

Follow Up

Follow along with me at the conference on my new startovercoder Instagram!

Thoughts on this episode? Leave a comment below or tweet me @startovercoder.