Coding Struggles

Introduction overload! There are plenty of good introductory workshops, blog posts, and articles out there. But is it too much of a good thing?

It’s been a year since I started this podcast! But I'm still not earning money as a developer. Does it really have to take over a year to learn enough to become a working programmer?

This week I got rejected from a coding program that could have been a great way to jump into a new career. Bah humbug : (

The reading-to-coding ratio is important to be aware of when learning to's important they don't get out of balance. When I notice I'm not writing enough code, here are some things I try.

Getting stuck when you’re learning to code on your own can be FRUSTRATING!! Here are some tips on how to get help.

FRUSTRATION!!! This week I share the painful experience of getting stuck while coding. And some helpful tips to get through it!

When learning to code, it's important to jump into the deep end every now and then to keep leveling up. Unfortunately it didn't work out in my favor when I gave a go to Node.js!

Even when we know in theory that there are many ways to solve a problem, living with this fact in the context of programming has been a big lesson this week.

Learning to code can be really overwhelming, especially if you're doing it with the hopes of making income. The overwhelm has been hitting me over the past few weeks!

I hit my first major stumbling block when it comes to learning to code. In this episode I share what I'm going to do differently to make sure this this speed bump doesn't become a dead end.